Take control of your food supply TODAY!

Learn how to create a no-weeding, no-watering gardening system that is perfect for beginners! 

Do you want to take control of your food supply?

Are you just starting out on your gardening journey?

Do you feel like you have a black thumb?

Are you tired of planting seeds and hoping they come up?

If you said YES to any of the above, then this guide is right for you!

In 2015 we were living in a large Texas city and dreaming of country life. Growing our own produce, raising chickens, and just living "the good life".

But when we finally did make it onto some land, we realized, we had no idea how to actually grow food!

However, the Back to Eden method completely made up where we were lacking, and allowed us to grow 1,500 pounds of produce in our first season! 

Each year we have gotten better and better, and now 6 years later, we grow enough food to feed 6 families for a year!

Are you ready to feed your family homegrown produce?

Get the easy to follow guide that will help you set up and use your Back to Eden Garden! Plus, get our best tips for pest control, companion planting, when to water, and more!

Here's everything you'll learn!

Setting up your garden step-by-step

Best tips for success

Natural pest control options

Printable set-up checklist

Crucial Companion Planting Information

Garden journal pages for easy tracking!


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  ONE TIME OFFER - Only $37  
Get the 33 minute Back to Eden Gardening video presentation that will jumpstart your gardening success! Add this video to your order now for just $37! (This offer is not available at ANY other time or place)

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Beginner's Guide to Back to Eden Gardening eBook$17

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Copyright 2020 | Back to A Modern Homestead